THE PIT- THE RESCUE by Glenn David

When approaching Easter season; my rescue from my personal PIT of absolute hopelessness comes to mind.  I am compelled to speak of that PIT from which I was rescued 36 years ago.  Perhaps the hope I have discovered may bless your search for Hope beyond the walls of despair. To begin with; allow me to say we ALL come from, or live within a PIT of circumstances, including emotional & spiritual twists often fueled by on-going bitterness & unresolved forgiveness. That said ; My PIT was no different from others except for the fact that it was ‘MY PIT.’ The drama of MY PIT may differ and its comparable peculiarities may differ from others; however we ALL have experienced a PIT at some time or other.

Let us consider what a PIT is like and where in the bible we can read of a PIT as I try to tell this personal PIT story.  To clarify further= Romans 3:23-24 says, “We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his Grace through the redemption that came by  Christ Jesus.”

So before you say or think you do have or have not come from some type of PIT; we read in the book of Romans that we ALL have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory and when found in sin/THE PIT+ Christ we are redeemed and forgiven. Thank God. Therefore it is safe to suggest that the PIT I reference is likened to our relationship with God or the lack of one. Simply said, “our sin condition” IS OUR PIT.

During a group trip to Israel we visited a cathedral of ancient time. Within its bowels there stands a stair case that led downward into a darkened damp area, called THE PIT. Our tour guide described the PIT as a possible place where the Lord Jesus was kept prior to the day of his first appearance before Caiaphas the High priest. The scriptures do not  indicate Christ’s location after the garrison of guards dragged Him away from the garden of Gethsemane for His commanded appearance before the High Priest Caiaphas. Scripture only indicates that Christ was brought before the High priest’s court for his sudden hearing on the following morning of Jesus arrest and disappearance from the garden. We then surmise that Christ  would have been detained close to the Priest’s house.  The palace courtyard Jesus appeared within the morning after His capture was Caiaphas address. The detention PIT that was excavated under the Caiaphas’s courtyard hundreds of years later is thought to be the PIT where Jesus was detained the evening prior to His unfair moment before the ruler. This PIT was out of sight, out from anyone’s knowing. It was a place of hopelessness and separateness. Jesus could not hear anyone or anything. His only view would have been the small hole in the ceiling opened to the darkened night sky.

It was within this PIT I encountered a profoundly moving moment in my heart and mind that I tell of today. We were a small group of God-fearing Christian tourists who would soon be confronted with the bleakness of the PIT.  The staircase had no rails. The PIT walls squeezed us closer than comfortable would allow. The walls were peppered with scars from where the stone cutters had hacked away the rock with hand-held tools of ancient time. There was no drainage – no water no place for food and the  floor was as cold as the walls, there was no way out–.the stairs were installed by the church as an after thought for curious tourists of the 20th century to visit a place long forgotten. The PIT was a timeless place with no way out or in except for the small sky whole by which the roman guards would have  Jesus lowered down beneath the grounds surface. Away from Father. Away from friends and followers. Away from every earthly comfort The darkness gave way to one little light bulb that had been installed for the safety of tourists. I assure you there was no light bulb when Jesus was placed inside this tomb of utter dark bleakness. The PIT  was circular and only 15 feet across. The ceiling went very high and became like an upside down ice cream cone. The top was pointed with a small opening that allowed the upstairs light to shine down. In the times of Christ this would not be the case and the opening would have-been the sky. Above ground would have been the courtyard flooring where Christ would face His sentencing on the new dawn. The courtyard was covered in hand carved marbles and steps led down to where the local people would stand and wait their turns to bring petitions before the High priest. These steps would be where Peter sat the night out waiting for news of His King Jesus and when he was confronted  by on-lookers Peter denied ever knowing Christ.

We all stood very still. Not a person could be heard breathing as we attempted to consider the utter bleakness of this place. It occurs to me that this PIT is the absolute representation of my life at the moment when I turned towards Christ for a lifetime rescue. Jesus has taken me 36 years away from the walls of my personal displacement from Him. My PIT was filled with debauchery and malice. An unforgivable place of lost youth and dashed dreams at the hands of many strangers and antics that would steal health , hope and the joy of living. MY PIT was beyond mention and the thoughts of suicide lingered daily. The walls of MY PIT were covered with insincere smiles and earthly works towards earthly gain. There came a hopeless diagnosis from doctors stating AIDS would kill me if I did not drive myself towards death first. The toxic addictions and behaviors within my PIT were everyday and purposed to sustain my lies and betray myself and others. I clung to strangers who had offered trappings of the worlds delights where more useless hope came and went. It was a PIT of absolute grief. Yet this was me.

Christ was alive when they dropped Him into this place of separateness from Father God. Christ had his moment in the PIT and cried out for Gods rescue. He watched into darkness seeing hope within gods embrace for His rescue. He waited with what was left inside of Him. He was found and delivered. The following morning He was handed over to a wicked man as Jesus fulfilled His destined sacrifice that we may find Hope filled heaven-sent Love forever through belief in Him who would not perish. Whose total PIT story we recognize today as the crucifixion.

Each decision I made seemed to twist the PIT into a footstool of failed hopes. But it did not. Today humanity knows of  Hopes well-spring because of the PIT  Christ was taken out of as He faced His mission and sacrificial gift to us who would believe upon him as savior.

I could see my life reflected in this stony PIT of doom as I huddled there with my fellow tourist companions. I recalled when I stood alone and yet was surrounded by many. this moment was surreal. My PIT walls were impassable. Death itself seemed my only escape. Life had become a trap of despair for me.

When crying out to Christ from within my PIT there came quick strengths to stand taller and refreshing blankets of joy washed over my soul. Despair was driven away and life itself took on new meaning.

This dungeon like PIT we stood in as tourist had become a place of remembrance where Christ had been detained.  Mankind’s determination to snuff Jesus out was gaining momentum. But the truth at the cross tells of a different story-line.

In reading Psalm 40:1-3 we hear David stating from where God removed him. it says, ” I  waited patiently upon the Lord to help me, and he turned to and heard me cry. Jesus lifted me up out of the PIT of despair, out of the mud and mire. Jesus set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. Jesus has given me a new song to sing, a hymn  of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be astounded. They will put their trust in the lord.

Dearest reader= If your PIT is one of despair and hopelessness, if you are in amongst the thicket so deeply there seems nowhere to turn but downward– I encourage you to cry out to Jesus. He hears those who seek him and he is alive doing the same work he has always intended. Jesus to save the captive and to take us out from the PITS of darkness; those who would seek him with all their hearts and minds. My life is hardly a reflection of what it once was. I live totally healed from active AIDS  virus and enjoy and lovely marriage of 32 years. I am father to two sons–one was born to us and one came through our front door seeking family.

When dark clouds roll by Jesus is ever-present in time of trouble. The blessings of our Lord jesus have no sorrows with them!

I am healed forgiven and made new. The journey has been exciting and I am comforted often. You can know this hope if you will turn your eyes upward and cry out like David did and ask Jesus for rescue.

say no to suicide and despair–say yes to heavens hope found through Jesus Christ Lord and savior. ask him into your life today and he will make a way where there seems no other way.

Be blessed

Glenn David





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No More Active Living AIDS Virus.

TODAY – My intention and earnest hope is that any person seeking healing from anything would read this story and know that God is a faithful God. He is capable to provide where science can not, and beyond.

At my last post I welcomed the world to know of a re-test the doctor ordered of my 30+ year “HIV status”, and a newly ordered quantitative test; measuring the amount of “Active Living AIDS” virus within my body.

Without getting overly scientific I will explain in the briefest possible manner I know.

When a person is exposed to the HIV virus they are subjected to the AIDS VIRUS: where HIV goes–so does the AIDS virus. They are bed fellows. The HIV antibody confuses the body’s defense system and begins to work against the immune system while the AIDS virus finds a harbor to grow and destroy the immune system.

The good doctor provides drugs that offer limited hope. A compliant patient betters there chances of survival and longevity if they live a clean lifestyle omitting unsafe sexual conduct, avoiding undo stress, staying away from alcohol, and any other harmful chemicals. No drug can heal or eradicate the AIDS virus totally.

When I first accepted doctoral care for my HIV status I came quickly aware that the AIDS virus was the deadly enemy to my body. The “giant” I would face daily. It was said, “if the virus does not take you out first, then the prescribed medications will literally corrode your internal organs over time.” This potent drug’s street name is “jet fuel” cocktails. It has a certain ring don’t you think?

The drug’s toxicity is so powerful it can leave the patient in a weakened condition to the point where they could not function at all. This was the hope the science had to offer me. It was something — but compared to what Jesus has done for us it is less than.

Now I have my personal story to tell of healing and miraculous intervention. Yes, even a manifestation of God’s word has brought me to this blog today.

Realize that doctors actually dissuade patients from retesting HIV because there is no cure for the virus.

It has been 36 years since my first official diagnosis. I have hard copy proof. The actual timeline is more like 40 years, but what does it matter at this point? I am healed! That’s what matters most.

I have been under the care of numerous doctors during this journey. Ten years ago we relocated to North Carolina from Florida and began again with a new community of specialist. Some have been amazing and truly caring. Others have been really difficult and seemingly in very bad moods for decades.

My most recent doctor was really impressed with my physical examination, but what really got him intrigued was the toxicity screenings which came from the lab. They showed that everything was totally normal. In fact, the toxic screening indicated that my organs had NOT been adversely effected in any negative way. This news is amazing due to the fact that I have taken these medications for over 28 years.  Their positive effect was only 10-15 years. The doctors promised a better quality life when I first ingested them as I was a new father to a son who is down syndrome. They insisted I live well as long as possible by way of the medications. It sounded worth the try. I also began to rely on the word of God and sought a greater understanding of what happened for me on the cross when Jesus rose from death’s grip. I embraced the grace of God’s provision and faith grew within me for manifestation of a healing that medicine could not and would not provide.

The science could not heal me; therefore my healing would come from my Father in heaven Who loves me and Who does exceedingly and abundantly.

In addition I should mention the fact that both my son and wife are negative for HIV exposure. They do not have it and never have. The conception of our son was normal and without interference. This in itself is miraculous.

So the newest doctor suggested the retest and we waited weeks for the results. That brings us to this moment.

The examination room was still until the doctor entered with greetings and smiles. The nurse sat quietly at her computer and began to take dictation the moment the door opened. The doctor sat upon the patients examination table and explained that according to my test results he was the only person in the room who could possibly be in need of a doctor because he was the oldest of all of us. This opening remark was funny but yet confusing.

He began explaining that in all of his medical career he had never seen such results except in a journal of medical science that suggested these test results were an unexplained anomaly. I have been called worse. But he really wanted us to understand that my tests were not like any other he had ever done and that from this day forward he would tell his colleagues that he had personally met the one person that the books could not explain.

He is a delightful elder man of wisdom that surpasses my years, but he has retained his humor. This day he was actually jolly. He delivered the news to us in detail, but also provided word picture stories in the event we did not get the weight of his findings. So I will share but a few he shared with us with you. Remember the nurse is typing, and through the telling of his findings she can hardly contain her astonishment as she recognizes that my case is outside their daily routine.

The doctors first story begins with the ship, “Titanic.” He suggests I am a third class passenger standing in the middle of the ship watching it sink. Due to my impending doom from HIV status, the waters are rising. He describes an arm with fingers lifting me from out of this impending doom onto a dry deck– in addition to this unexplained rescue he notes that I am absolutely dry. Not a drop on me!

While trying to grasp the fullness of his creative attempt at explaining the rare/wonderful test results, I observe my feelings chasing after my cognitive embrace of God’s truth finally being manifested from this elder doctors lips. It is surreal. It is a moment in my life I could not relive, a first time in forever, yet I must retell it so that my own heart may receive this blessing and then be readied to share it with the world somehow.

The physician noticed my outward dismay and politely asked that he could continue with one other “word pictorial”. I softly replied with, “speak doctor”.

The doctor’s voice strengthened as he offered his depiction of the apocalyptic days we all dread could be possible. He spoke, “Glenn, if you were a bug that dwelt under a rock during the day of Armageddon, and the flames which burnt away all living things had finally turned to smoke, your greatest need would be nothing more than a nice lunch.” I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. We listeners were stunned. The nurses tears streamed down her blush covered cheeks. Her back was to the doctor but she was typing as he spoke and she witnessed the moment with us. He then added that my case would be a study he would speak before college students and fellow doctors and professors of medicine. In short, he stated that my case was and could only be found in text books where the rarest of medical revelations lay in print on paper. Medical Mysteries in print; not necessarily understood but tolerated.

The doctor was really enjoying his big reveal to me. One more story to help you grasp these unusual findings. He said, “If during the time of the Bubonic plague you and five other people were still alive. After the four others had finally succumb to the disease, you Glenn would continue to live and thrive.” I asked how this could be possible from his perspective, and he could only say that once in a long while these mysteries appear and science must agree to not know for the time being.

I have pondered My personal response to the medical science for 36 years. It is simply this, “God says it, it is so.” God says I have been healed, therefore I have been healed. So now I am writing to put before you this miraculous occurrence. You can think on it, critique it, even disbelieve it. I understand. The most important thing to realize is that heavenly hope is for anyone who seeks God’s will through His words and follows His voice. He is more than amazing, and He is truly blessing.

A quantitative test (RNA) measures the amount of virus within the patients bloodstream. My RNA test now reveals there is NO ACTIVE AIDS VIRUS DETECTED–ZERO! The test was cancelled because the machine is not programmed to read less than a number 20. Science does not believe the AIDS virus can be eradicated. Jesus trumped the machines inability to detect a ZERO finding. Furthermore My HIV status continues to be recorded as positive. At first I wondered at this. How can I be HIV positive and NOT have the AIDS virus? I wondered if this was a trick of some kind, or perhaps I was not healed. A few days later I read about Jesus appearing to Thomas after Jesus’ resurrection. Thomas asked for proof from the Master Jesus that He was real. Jesus replied by showing Thomas the nail marks on His palms. Despite the fact that Jesus is God and rose from the dead perfected in every way, He continues to bear the MARKS of His victory and conflict. Therefore, I bear the mark of HIV that others may see and hear of my victory and struggle over death. HIV is not the killer–it is the AIDS virus that is the giant of doom. My giant has been eradicated and done away with. I believe the Blood of Christ shed for us can and will wash away our disease and sorrows if only we would embrace it to our hearts and minds.

For those who may doubt my story: I have hard copies and numerous tests have repeated the original testing of the good doctor. ALL reveal the same positive findings. ZERO AIDS virus detected after 36 years.

Whats next? I pray for open doors to share Him and His heavenly hope to the wounded and those searching.

But simply breathing in His goodness is pure contentment.

Be blessed!

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Nope I have never been much of a fishing dude. There are man folk in my family that are. But my memories of fishing are more along the lines of the bazarr.

For instance; once at the pier with my dad I noticed many fish left flapping & flailing on the wooden board walk; left to dry up and croak. Their certain death and suffering compelled me to rescue them ALL.

I kicked them quickly over the side and observed that some swam away, and others slowly sunk never to be seen again. After a while I was disciplined sternly and cast off the pierr as if I was one of the fish I had tried to give a second chance to.

I never wanted to go back..and never did. The point here is that when God the Father sends blessings they are always FRESH & never left over, never left behind, never secondhand or near death.

His blessings are NEW every day and His blessings have no sorrows with them.

In the numerous fish stories of biblical account you will NEVER read of old fish..discarded fish…left over fish..and certainly never dried up tortured fish.

No sir—-when God provides fish–yes blessing– IT is ALWAYS FRESH!

Look at the story where Jesus instructed the disciples to drop the nets to the other side…After long day trying to catch evasive fish…they listened to Jesus..they utilized their faith in His instructions, they FOLLOWED HIM. Yes they submitted to a carpenter who was Devine.

When God sends blessings to His faith filled children He sends FRESH FISH!

Their nets were brimming over by the catch..note: while the men peered down onto the waters surface they only saw the currents effects, they only saw Their reflections. They could not see what was underneath..they could not see the giant school of fresh fish which the breath of their Lord had stirred up on their behalf.

This is provision …

God only deals us fresh things.,He does not deliver us left overs, small bits of; or peices parts.

God creates NEW blessings for His children who were faithful..

We must drop our nets..or lay out our faith before Him & others according to His words & instructions.

We must speak what He says only..allow God to stir your waters..allow God to fill your Faith filled nets with His plans & purposes.

When you do you will see His mighty hand of grace upon you.


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Shake it..

Remember you are to be salt & light into the world! Salt is best spread by shaking it over something that lacks flavor.

The world is thirsty! Salt creates a Holy thirst…your words & deeds permeate the world’s system.

There are rumors of war..yes however we must press in with greater fervor so that souls will have every chance to turn towards heavens hope as found through Jesus Christ.

Be careful NOT to be distracted by increasing noise, perversities, and calamity. Be strong in your LORD as He is faithful to His followers.

The days of being just Christian are past. WE MUST BE FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST DOING HIS WORD.

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My recent hospital/doctoral visit.

As some readers may already be aware….I have now out lived most recent statistical medical information that indicates my life span on earth should have ended during the late 80,s..due to my POSITIVE HIV STATUS.

Praise God I am Still here full of purpose, joy & continued hope. My health is wonderful, especially for a man near 60. The doctors ponder & wonder at my good health & positive outlook.

This story is about the 6 month blood sucking event I am obligated to attend–per Dr. Orders. My wife drives with our down syndrome/blessing son in tow. We navigate the parking, elevator, sickly crowds, and check in smooth fashion. The familiar smells of antiseptic mixed with illness permeate the atmosphere. Even the most happy of person could easily be drawn into a quiet depression if it were not for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

We wait our turn to sit before the gentle doctor who tries to convey care for me/us while holding her ground as to how bleak ALL will ultimately become day for me & my family. I despise her post in my life but loves her as Jesus does.

It is a carousel of emotions! This visit had its surprises as she first sent to the examination room a very young,handsome, intern. He entered the room unaware of how peculiar we/I am. I even think she set him lol his mission is to ascertain my order all-purpose for being there and to identify any struggles I may be having. My wife greeted him but did not shake his hand. I watched her face as she was secretly wishing he go away and not know of us. I also sighed as i I know he is a student & comes with going to this type of institution. At first I sensed it is additional struggle when I just want to go home & continue as if I have no diagnosis . but alas..he presses me for information & now I hear the Holy Spirit direct me to share my hope found in CHRIST. Now folks….keep in mind people are dying in the waiting room caused from the same diagnosis. Claim I am healed from in Jesus name & hope is limited to a pill and time. There is no earthly cure.

So I proceed to serve him a full plate of Jesus Christ hope eternal

FUN? Not SCARED? yes even nausea set in..however…while I shared his eyes teared up as he heard a witness he knew nothing of. His treinds gave him text books & boozy weekends. No there was no VISIBLE conversion, BUT he was salted with words I hang my daily health upon. The very hope of my time on earth is placed upon what happened at the cross. HE BORE OUR SICKNESSES AND DISEASE BY HIS STRIPES SE WERE HEALED!

 The rest of the visit was a bluer…emotions, statistics, blood sampling & a few prevention shots etc. When sitting in the car we rehashed the visit as if we had flown as mission over foreign land and we recounted how many folks we shared JESUS hope with…there were many…but here’s what we do not see when we sure heavens hope with the world Found us. We do not see the thousands of souls our words will ever actually carry into the souls of others. Even if they did not agree with my source of hope..they heard the eternal words as we shared them. They saw our intimate love for Christ & His love for us.
 So 6 months from now we get to do it all again…I dislike this thorn..but understand the value of its platform which affords me in roads where death is the likely and for most who go there.

 My prayer continues to be for the diagnosis to reflect what Gods WORD says about my healing from HIV. UNTIL the manifestation of such prayer I enjoy amazing good health and live out this healing from disease daily ..the cross has paid it full.

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But what do I know?

There comes a season in life when you glance at the days behind you and realize (life choices) are now a forever reality-perhaps a part of ones history but always there. Life is more than one “once upon a time”. Once upon a time can become your forever and again.
The final end to our choices, and the end of life’s potential; are by way of death. Death is the final determiner of life’s potential. Graveyards are filled with dead potential.
Why then, is there such wastefulness among the living?
The trappings of earthly sensuality can prove to be our greatest distraction from eternal matters.
YOUR INDIVIDUAL POTENTIAL is the God-given gift imparted to us at the time of conception–We are known to God before we are created even in the womb.
Today,tomorrow and the next day can be our new beginning–the new start–the fresh hope yesterday may seem to HAVE destroyed.
If only we would choose eternal values and walk in the shadow of heavens hope–named Jesus.
Your and My potential has barely been tapped into–and I really think worldly distractions are a primary enemy.
This is the defining difference of being a Holy Spirit led people or being bound to feelings, emotions, and worldly values.
I choose Jesus words and His provision–
Christ is our –one more time one more day–discover life’s potential within everyday from event to event–what a ride! What a life! Faith in Christ is a faithful path of endless hope.
The best thing of all is that eternal life begins at the time when Christ fills your heart–each heartbeat thereafter is another opening to potential through faith. Faith in His promises. Jesus never lies..Jesus is the Father of truth.

When seeking Him before myself, I find myself with potential abundant.


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In whom do we identify?

bathrooms and their public usage seem to be the latest battle ground where once again we search for answers to who we are as a society and a people of rights and freedoms. the bottom line is this— In whom do you or I identify? do we perceive our sexual orientation through eyes of a female or male? Do we perceive our existence outside of what our bodies actually physical function is from birth? do we ALL accept our inner whims and desires and assimilate to any form or gender becoming the ultimate person we wish truly are to be? maddening–yet it seems biblical when one understands that Bible once again has foretold that in the end of times men would exchange the truth for a lie and/ that what seems right would actually be wrong–but enough preaching and teaching..
I re-call many adventures in bathrooms and bath houses per-say–during these dark times in my search for significance I re-call playing many roles and leading or following others into fantasy roles behind the doors of bathrooms–etc> yes it is ugly but I can not change the truth as this was a part of my past–thank god it is the past I speak of..
at any rate– In whom we identify is where we all get our start and find our end– at the end of our lives journey we will leave behind a legacy–It is my tireless goal to follow christ and His teachings regardless of the trials and or ups and downs–what I know is this– I have succeeded at becoming in his image to the degree that the Old man is long gone and it is now thirty years strong since being in the dark corners of alternative lifestyle choices. Whatever you believe–I can tell you– to follow the Words of Christ is –to live and not die– I have overcome many obstacles and challenges along the way–never has there been a time when I wished to return from where I have come.
sometimes I get fearful–yet I am reminded that In Him there ois greater strength and I can deny what my flesh may cry for–and can reach out for His arms and know a greater inner strength and see another day of happiness wholeness and Joy without wondering which bathroom I might want to be using today or tomorrow. confusion is another tool of Hellish trouble– I am no longer confused. heavens hope is there for anyone who may ask for it–Just ask– Jesus will tell you which bathroom to use next time you are at the mall and he will tell you greater mysteries if You welcome Him into your hearts.

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when panic sets in

During this day I have encountered numerous folks who were wanting to discuss—panic–its effects both physical and spiritual. While listening and sharing from my personal viewpoint, I was encouraged deep in my own heart.
If you have ever succumb to a panic episode or an anxiety attack then you can understand the far reaching negative effects that can prevail. I was reminded of my own journey out of a perpetual state of panic. For years I drugged my anxieties and resorted to sexual exploits that have left me to cope with the status of an HIV diagnosis for over twenty years. My heart was heavy for the person who spoke of their trial and I was reminded of my own season of daily struggles with anxiety. The sum total of my journey and the individual I listened to was that we both could agree that a Fathers blessing was often the missing link to normalcy and peace.
Today I share heavens hope from my personal love connection with Jesus. Today I have been filled with a personal peace that protects my heart and guards my steps.
What I wish to say tonight is this–when you give your heart to Christ for His presence to envelope your entire life; you can expect a ever present peace that hovers and covers you daily. the thought that God is alive within us and around us is so foreign to someone who is in the ties of anxiety. It is possible to be free from the torment of fear–but only through the author of peace.
Life does not exempt us from trials or the pain associated with loss. However- Through Christ it is possible to overcome the forces of despair and even be joy filled while going through those tougher times.It is good to be encouraged–it is better to encourage others.

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Depression was a long time friend who would hover over me like an old coat I could not part ways with. But no longer! From the moment I stepped out from darkness and took faith-filled steps into the light of
Christ–my heart has become Merry.
life continues to throw curve balls from time to time and the journey has had its pitfalls–but I can honestly say that the merry joy of Christ has never left me..not ever, not even when I was told i was HIV positive–not even when i first heard my newborn son would have handicaps..
NO there are not blue birds flying aorund my litlle head with stars glowing etc… I mean to say that there is this peace that has surpassed all understanding and because of this heaven-sent peace, my heart brims with a merry joy.
this Joy has replaced the disparaging words of others and my numerous failures at being a sane person in a world that often spins faster than me.
I wish I could develop a better discipline at this writing–perhaps I will.. one word at a time..
If you would like conversation– please respond– MAY THE PEACE OF GOD GUARD YOUR HEART AND MIND IN CHRIST JESUS AMEN! /c

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TENT event

Recently I joined the ranks of other evangelists to speak of Gods love and work from out of my life walk in Him. There were many in attendance and the entire event was one of increased learning for me personally and otherwise, God was revealed in many ways–

The crowd was very diverse and each night had its own variety …

I entered the tenT each night with revered fear of the responsibility to only say what God desired and SPEAK with a great passion to inspire others to embrace god at greAter heights.  Unsure if this is what I had accomplished–

the last night rolled around quick enough– I was the last speaker and truthfully there was little to no time left for me to share-thankfully i was asked to close the meeting and with this opportunity I shared that God was the healer and by his stripes we are healed.

This short statement of faith ignited one little boys heart to step forward and ask if Jesus would and could heal him from an acute allergy and other issues.

With great big brown eyes he l;leaned in closely to ask me if God would and could heal him. I said God would and could!

We then joined before God to pray what gods words say on his behalf.

It was a special moment where a boy turned to God as his only source–his only hope– I saw how little I could do for him–I saw how small I was despite the position i had been afforded by others. At the determining moment in this little boys faith–the blood covering of Christ was the deciding point of difference. The little boy walked away hand and hand with his daddy/father and as he looked back at me I saw in his eyes that he received what the word of God  had said about his infirmity and his memory of me would fade away with each step he took– but the touch of God almighty would compel him from this moment on.

did I mention his daddy was  a pastor?

What a privilege to serve God and see HIS face touch the heart and soul of the wounded.. If only we all would reach out to Jesus through faith as this little boy did– his answers are ahead for the unfolding–today he can live with assurance that God heard him and by his stripes Jesus heals.

How great thou art!

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