About the Authors

Glenn Greenstein is an ordained minister and has served the Lord over 20 years. Whenever possible and as God opens doors, Glenn remains available to exhort the discovery of Heaven’s hope through the love of Jesus Christ. He addresses the overcoming of addictions, homosexuality, and recovery of wounded spirits. Glenn’s craft is hair artistry. He and his wife, Elaine are the proud parents of a son with special needs who graduated from high school with honors.

Robert Parrish writes biofiction and fiction, along with advertising, marketing and training materials, in southwest Missouri. He self-published his first Christian romance novel, Without Spot or Wrinkle, in 2001. Three years later he met Glenn Greenstein and they began collaborating on this current biofiction novel. Robert and his wife, Alicia, enjoy traveling and visiting their three grandchildren.



6 Responses to About the Authors

  1. Denise McAllister says:

    So proud of you, Glenn. Can’t wait to read the book. Praising God for His wondrous works in your life. Praying this book will help many break free from bondage.

  2. Bev Arthur says:

    It is hard for me to put into words how I feel right now. I have so much joy in my heart for you and your family moving to a place you have wanted to go back to. I knew you were a wondeful person and had a lot to share. I am looking forward to your book. I wish you and your family all the happiness God can give you. ” Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.” I did not write that, but it is the way I feel about you, Glenn. Gods riches blessings for you and your family. I hope we can stay in touch.

  3. joanna says:

    hope all is well and your move went well. florida is not the same with you gone. i am looking forward to reading your book. take care may God bless you with His abundance. love joanna

  4. Beth Politz Stillman says:

    Glenn…Knowing you and Elaine, I am sure that this book has been directed step by step by God. My heart hopes that it will reach and be a life line for those who are being drawn under by all of this type of life style. I still have many questions for Jesus when I see Him face to face, but then again it will not really matter at that time! I want to thank you and Elaine for your friendship, especially back in the time my husband and I were experiencing such lows. It still seems so big that I can not wrap my mind around it, so I let Jesus wrap it all for me. Blessings to you and your book.

    • Hi, Beth – yes, God has definitely directed and blessed every step of this book. Glenn and I also pray it will be a lifeline to those caught in homosexuality. Regardless of one’s past, there is no sin too despicable to be forgiven by God through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support!

  5. Mary Kay Wilson says:

    Dear Glenn, Where has the time gone. You have accomplished so much in your life mine pales in comparison. I was thinking of you today as I have been in touch with Peggy Evans and I was on the FB page of We were the children of north dade in the 60’s. There’s a picture of Mr. Shaw our P.E. teacher. Remember you teaching me to throw the softball over 50 feet so I could get the coveted Presidential Award? I miss you very much and our friendship meant so much to me. You were the first person that ever gave me any self-confidence, You were always there for me through all the heartbreak. I have a son, His name is David, he is 24 and is working for the Miami Dolphins. It’s just part-time but hopefully next year he will be full time. So we both have sons. You can see his picture if you go to my Facebook page. You can find it via my e-mail address. I am in touch with Erin, she lives in Charlotte, NC and is a Geologist. Tandy is retired and living in the Georgia Mountains in a quaint home she calls vagabond house. Sheree Haller never married and still works for the Yellow Pages. The only friend I cannot find is Kathy Delk or her sisters. I would love to read your book. You were always so creative in everything you did I was in awe and wished it had rubbed off on me a little. Especially your music and your decorating sense. Write to me so I know your okay. Love, Mary Kay

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